Monday 23 August 2010

Opening The Box

I open the box
To see a flower
Blazing in red
And fire orange
Yes I see joy
Come from this box
This box of mystery
And wonder complete
Never before
Had I seen this box
And now I am lost
Within gazing
At this flower
This circus
Of color and thought
I am locked
Within thoughts
That are twisting
My known reality
For today I opened
A small closed box
Hidden from world
And my very mind
This box is filled
With unknown laughter
Yes laughter and joy
Were in this box
And when I opened it
The happiness inside
Came shooting out
And exposed my heart
To all eternity
Yes eternity was there
And I saw within
This small hidden box
An infinite place
Of kindness and joy
A place of songs
And golden glee
Inside this box
Was all goodness
All encompassing goodness
That was almost
Completely overwhelming
But this box
Was not physical
It wasn't of wood
Or even the Earth
But was actually
My very soul inside me
And inside every person
Once I opened my soul
My box that was closed
All was revealed to me
The goodness and hope
And all kindness
Was within my thoughts
Always and forever
Until the end of time
This will be true
I opened my box within
To see the goodness
That is everywhere
A light that is
And was and will be
A light that is
Not hidden from us
But we do not see it
For all have closed
The box within
At one time or another
But it can be
Reopened and everything
That is inside
Will be felt fully
And truly and forever
And all goodness
Will be seen always
Just open the box
And feel the joy
That Christ gives
Feel the kindness
That Jesus bestows
On all who seek
And all who want
To feel which
Is within the box
The soul eternal
Which will release
Your pain and fears
And all that hurts
Any heart anywhere
Feel what is infinite
Know that goodness is
And was and will forever
And always be here!

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