Saturday 23 January 2010

What is Hope

What is hope?

Hope is the ability to look towards the future,

Hope is the everlasting soul that is in humankind,

Hope is the skies overshadowing glee of protection,

What is hope?

Hope is the glimmering smile of a child,

Hope is the shining specter of concern,

Hope is the bright mind looking for truth,

What is hope?

Hope is the eternal flame inside ones heart,

Hope is the eagles daily catch for all time,

Hope is the whales call to the baneful whalers,

What is hope?

Hope is the covenant with morality and love,

Hope is the virtue among the needing,

Hope is the meal for a staving child,

What is hope?

Hope is the eventful day at the library,

Hope is the loving care of a mother,

Hope is the life blood for generations to come,

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